
— The Adorning —

The Ada Story

ADA is the traditional name for ‘Adornment’. And is there anything more adorning than flowers in bloom or an abundance of fresh herbs? ADA is a wheel-thrown dish that complements every possible shade of floral adornment.
With its soft organic shape, the ADA dish is the perfect base for herbs and flower bulbs, encouraging you to create a fragrant centrepiece of freshly grown herbs for a beautiful table setting. The dish is specially moulded to appeal to all our senses with nature’s own ornaments and aromas.
The dish comes with a saucer and therefore makes a perfect botanical decoration for any table or an inviting seasonal decoration for the hallway console. ADA is able to hold both uncontrolled wildness and organic elegance — all at the same time.

The Ada Bowl. Arrange her with herbs, decorations or your favourite flowering bulbs.

Ada Galleries

Ada sizes

25 cm / 9.8 in8 cm / 3 in

30 cm / 11.8 in9 cm / 3.5 in

35 cm / 13.8 in12 cm / 4.7 in

40 cm / 15.7 in13 cm / 5.1 in

45 cm / 17.7 in14 cm / 5.5 in

 Rosa Terracotta     Grey Terracotta

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